14 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Free VJ Softwares: Live Performance and vj related


http://www.quasecinema.org/ Quase-Cinema Feijoada Remix 0.7c (Linux/Mac/Win)

hhttp://draves.org/bomb Bomb – Visual Musical Instrument (Linux/Mac/Win)

http://paintingwithlight.bigfug.com/ Painting with Light (mapping) (Linux/Mac/Win)

http://www.flxer.net FLxER – Flash Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win)

http://www.flashmixer.de Flashmixer – Based on the Fileformat SWF - Freeware

http://www.onyx-vj.com Onyx – Flash-Based Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win) - Open S

http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ Celestia The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions.

http://www.pawfal.org/fluxus/ - Fluxus (Linux, Windows, OSX, Android, PS2) GPL
http://www.freeframe.org FreeFrame – Mac/PC/Linux video effects API designed for integration into VJ Software

FFmpeg is a complete, cross platform command line tool capable of recording, converting and streaming digital audio and video in various formats.

http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ - GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components.

Animata Live Puppetry
Context Free 2d graphics


PRAXIS LIVE download
http://lives.sourceforge.net/ Lives Open Source
http://freej.dyne.org/ FreeJ Open Source

http://veejay.dyne.org/ Veejay http://www.veejayhq.net/ Open Source

http://effectv.sourceforge.net EffecTV Open Source

http://vsxu.com/ Vovoid VSX – Ultra Developer parameter-based API supporting bitmap & mesh creation, mathematics, rendering modules. Using eclipse/mingw32 for development. Free and Open source

http://www.gephex.org/ GePhex – Linux/Win32 Gephex0.4.4 2007 Open Source

http://artefacte.org/pd/ pidipVJ – VJ tool to make realtime visual art. (Linux/Mac)

http://www.piksel.no/pwiki/BitchVj BitchVJ -

http://www.bek.no/projects/23-mob?locale=en - MøB 2007

jib lwhitmore

OpenTZT 1.5.1_Win32: http://opentzt.sourceforge.net/
2008_Visual Jockey_Win: http://www.visualjockey.com/
2008_NeonV2_Win: http://neonv2.com
Elekronika Live_Win: http://aestesis.eu/elektronika/ the old directX 9 to work!!
Aestesis_Windows 95/NT/98/Me/2000/XP: http://aestesis.net
Mute VJ *mix 3 channels of swfs and jpegs and apply up to 9 dynamic filters at a time. Vsxu http://vsxu.com/
FFRend (Freeframe Renderer) http://ffrend.sourceforge.net/ is a renderer for Freeframe plugins. can be used for live visual performance using programs like Resolume Avenue, VDMX, MaxMSP/Jitter and more.
sfFreeFrame_Win&Osx: http://sffreeframe.sourceforge.net/ sfFreeFrame is a collection of open source visual plugins for FreeFrame 1.5 compatible hosts.
Frost for Fractals

VJ SOFtware Lists


Free VJ Loops and resources

Free VJ Loops and resources, not a good source but.

VJ Loops
http://www.triggermotion.com/ (Flash-based Video Loops and Plugins)
http://www.vjloops.com/ a few free loops
http://www.vjvault.com/ (login required)
https://flxer.net/ (swf. flv format and login required)
http://www.videopong.net/ (you need to upload to download)

Resources (video archives for remix)

http://archive.org/  (many kinds of videos and vj loops)
http://imovies.blogspot.com/ public domain movies
https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/ (only pictures?)
http://video.google.com/nara.html    historical movies, nasa footage
http://www.pdcomedy.com/                comedy footage
http://emol.org/movies/freemovielist.html        many genres
http://stage6.divx.com/videos/tag:public+domain/order:length         high res. Dvx films
http://www.publicdomaintorrents.com/   films...

26 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Vjoints of Urban Life : Talk at IMC5533

Vjunk Talk // 30th April 2013 @ IMC5533  at 15.30-17.00
İstanbul Manifaturacılar Çarşısı 5. Blok no.5533, next to Atatürk Blv, Unkapanı ISTANBUL

I am a visual artist and organizer of an independent real-time audiovisual art festival in Istanbul since 2008. On 14th June 2012 in Tarlabasi, I organized a site specific event for the first time.

For urban renewal, Tarlabasi area has been emptied. For me it used to be a very peaceful place, and still is, only with the remaining life in it. There are local issues discussed by various circles now. Some people are quite rightly against the renewal and transformation. Yet, nobody can do anything; nobody can stop the so-called transformation process.

Some streets are empty now. Buildings are historical and they have beautiful textures. I knew mayer+empl who did site-specific video mappings. I invited them to VJ Fest. They came and with the help of some other friends, we did video mapping, projections and some interactive painting on the walls outside and inside the buildings. This doesn't mean that video artists are
only interested in walls.

Our event and some other events in the following dates were criticized by some. For example, in the link: http://birdirbir.org/tarlabasinda-sanat-yikima-dek-gorulebilir/ the critic seems to argue that the visual arts events in Tarlabasi streets were neither resisting nor reclaiming anything. I disagree. These kinds of events get people together and open possibilities for touching real issues. They can be done anywhere. Of course, people must be there for a meaningful reason. What is a meaningful reason? My reason was to “distribute some sensibles” and show that these kinds of events are possible in Istanbul streets. Not everybody knows that.

Vjunk  2013


SiteSpecific Art workshop: Taking Site! @ IMC5533

The “Taking Site!” project will consist of a workshop
about site-specificity with participants at 5533 Istanbul
between April 21 and May 04, 2013 and a simultaneous
exhibition “in progress” at D21 art space Leipzig. Artists
and curators from Turkey, Germany, China, USA and
Russia will meet at 5533, broaching the issue of their
experiences and the problematics of site, in theory and
practice. Via livestream the spaces are connected and
lectures and performances can be experienced by the
public at 5533 and D21 art space. Rather than showing
relicts of a finished process, the exhibition at D21 art
space will accumulate in a process.

The workshop is seeking for the potential of site-specific
art. Our current concepts of society, nation and city rely
on sedentariness, but today´s increasing mobility challenges
these concepts. Tourists and migrants are generally
relieved from rights and duties of a governmental
politic. Political subjectivity usually vanishes with the
liberation of site. A status as a political subject – can this
issue be raised, claimed and transferred to others, by
artists and their work at an “alien” place? What could be
site-specificity today?
“Taking Site!” is a cooperation between 5533 art space
Istanbul and D21 Kunstraum Leipzig.
Kindly supported by Halka Art Project, European
Cultural Foundation, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates
Sachsen and Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig
Workshop at 5533, Istanbul, exhibition at D21 art space, Leipzig 21.04. – 04.05. 2013
Vernissage: 20.04., 4pm – 7pm
Finissage: 04.05., 4pm – 7pm

By and With: Ilgin Abeln, Chloë Bass, Anne Baumann,
Lars Bergmann, Jan Blessing, Lena Brüggemann,
Didem Erk, Constanze Hein, Devrim Kadirbeyoğlu,
Şefik Özcan, Hannah Sieben, Michael Tolmachev,
Burcu Vjunk, Arzu Yayıntaş & Neriman Polat, Mi You
Technical realisation: westfernsehen.net


Sa 20.04.
Eröffnung 15:00h bis 18:00h, Performance von Chloë Bass: „Tea will be served“

Di 23.04.
14:00h Michael Tolmachev artist presentation
15:30h Mi You - That (Political/Ethical) Space artist presentation

Mi 24.04.
15:30h Ilgin Abeln, Anne Baumann artist presentations

Do 25.04.
15:00h Arzu Yayintas and Neriman Polat: „Sterile exhibitions, closed boxes... The marriage of convenience between art and gentrification“ lecture

Fr 26.04.
15:30h Şefik Özcan - Site-Specifity: Polis-Politics and Identification artist presentation

Sat 27.04.
15:30h Chloë Bass, Lars Bergmann artist presentations: The Art of Living As Research

So 28.04.
Devrim Kadirbeyoglu workshop visit and artist presentation

Tue 30.04.
15:30h Burcu Vjunk, Enrique Arce Gutierrez artist presentations

Wed 01.05.
D21 open, 5533 closed

Do 02.05.
15:30h open space

Fr 03.05.
15:30h Didem Erk artist presentation

Sa 04.05.
FINISSAGE von 15:00h bis 18:00h
Artistic Directors D21 Artspace

D21 Kunstraum Leipzig e.V.
Demmeringstr. 21
04177 Leipzig

Vjunk and Enrique is part of the program from VJFESTIST.

Türkçe Sürüm:

21 Nisan-04 Mayis 2013 arasi Istanbul 5533 Sanat Mekaninda atölye çalismasi ve
Leipzig D21 Sanat Mekaninda naklen yayin olarak eszamanli sergi olacak.

Açilis: 20 Nisan, saat 15.00–18.00 arasi
Kapanis: 4 Mayis, 15.00–18.00 arasi
Mekan sali-çumartesi günleri saat 14.00–18.00 arasi seyircilere açiktir.

Ilgin Abeln, Chloë Bass, Anne Baumann, Lars Bergmann, Jan Blessing, Lena Brüggemann, Didem Erk, Constanze Hein, Devrim Kadirbeyoglu, Şefik Özcan, Hannah Sieben, Michael Tolmachev, Burcu Vjunk, Arzu Yayıntaş & Neriman Polat, Mi You

Teknik Uygulama: westfernsehen.net

Istanbul 5533/Leipzig D21 isbirligiyle ve Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen ve Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig ve Halka Art Project ve European Cultural Foundation desteklerle gerçeklesecek.
Hannah Sieben & Lena Brüggemann

17 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

CALL 2013: Interactive Theather Performers

 Méliès & me performance version @ Shin…

>>> This is an enquiry e-mail via http://vjfestist.org/ from:
>>> michele <michele.cremaschi@gmail.com>
>>> Hallo.
>>> My name is Michele Cremaschi, I'm a performer working on productions that
>>> mix theatre and new technologies. I direct a theatre residency in Bergamo,
>>> Italy, called InItinere, where we develop such research. Apart show
>>> productions, we organize usually workshops around specific technologies with
>>> the aim of stage application, and a theatre season that put on stage shows
>>> that have an artistic use of new technologies. You can find more details on
>>> our past activities here:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/t07ghwwz75ne1cm/Presentazione_Retroscena_e_Residenza_x_Progetto_Grundtvig_ENG.pdf
>>> We wish to apply for a Gruntvig EU grant for 2013-2014, (here info about
>>> how to apply:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/dd0g1pn7ju767gz/grundtvig_navigator%20ENG.pdf
>>> ), building a project over the idea of developing better knowledge of
>>> technologies possibilities in theatre people; and give some theatrical bits
>>> to new media performers. Still, you can find a draft of the idea here:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/hoo23tmgpli55lz/grundtvig%20prject%20idea%20draft%20-%20ENG.rtf
>>> We're contacting International Festivals that program new media
>>> performances and organize formations on the topic; and also artists,
>>> residencies, theatre schools, companies that somehow deal with theatre, new
>>> technologies, or both. We're trying to build a network of partners to apply
>>> to the grant, after of course the develop of a common program that wish to
>>> reach the goal.
>>> We're writing to you as I think you could be one of the possible partner.
>>> I kindly ask you to evaluate the global idea, and if you're interested in
>>> it, please contact us to go deeper in the project.
>>> Regard
>>>  Michele Cremaschi
>>>  Residenza Teatrale InItinere, director
>>>  Associazione Retroscena, president
>>> >>> _________________________________________________________________
>>> Michele Cremaschi
>>> http://michelecremaschi.it
>>> http://initinere.net
>>> tel. 320-2992681

Dear all,

at least i can send you the shortlist of possible partners for project "Virus contaminates theatre stage board", that I'm driving for italian InItinere Theatre Residency "InItinere". In this mail I'm happy to introduce all of you to the knowledge of the other possible partners; in attach you can find the complete list, with all references and activities description. I'm quite happy to say that at the moment, with six possible partners from five different European countries, we reached the minimum number reasonable to start an activity plan. Moreover, there's some organizations that didn't yet send me the compiled form but announced its wish to participate. They're reading this mail as well, and i'll add them to the list as soon as i'll receive their data, and share with you. Time is arrived anyway to start programming, so I decided not to wait anymore to share the actual shortlist.

What happens now.
You're strongly invited to deepen your knowledge of all partners organization, reading the enclosed presentation they compiled, visiting websites, keeping in personal email or phone contact. In the frame of the general project guidelines, i already sent you, you're invited to plan activities with partners. You're not forced to plan activities with all partners, but please note that every partner will send its applications, and just the selected ones by local agencies will be in the project and will receive EU grant. So, it's far better to try to establish some sort of collaboration with the larger number of partner you can, as could be that some of the ones you choose won't be selected and won't be in the project. You can of course realize anyway the activities - but you and the partner won't receive any grant for that.

Which kind of network
Associazione Retroscena, the association that founded InItinere Theatrical Residency and from which the project idea is started, can take the role of coordination organization, even if this is the first time we're dealing with an european project. The form of coordination we've in mind is a "light" kind - we can be considered the "post box" of the project; we'll plan activities with other partners and work together them on these, but let complete freedom in drawing each partnership between others. We won't get into budgeting decision, working methods, organize social meeting and so on. It's each partner responsibility to draw, with the other partners, all those activities that they think can be useful to realize to gain common objectives described in the project sent at the beginning. For all these reason, there won't be at this stage a preliminary meeting between partners; we just strongly recommend you to keep in contact with ones whose activities sounds compatible with your organization, eventually meet, surely talk, and plan activities. Every organization is of course free to organize project meeting with other organizations around specific actions that wish to collaborate on. What we strongly suggest everybody, if you don't have any experience in grundtvig projects and you didn't read it already, is to read carefully the "grundtvig navigator" guide we sent you.

And then?
You're requested to compile the application form and send it by the deadline your local agency gives for Grundtvig Learning Partnership. In Italy it's on 21 february, but i'm told every local agency has different timetables.
Please send me the application also; I won't interfere with your plan activities, but i'll be glad to share with every partner the whole project global idea and activities.
After then, we just have to keep our finger crossed and wait for local agencies decisions.
We'll share the decisions as soon as we'll know, and, if almost three organizations will be selected, this means they'll receive the grants to carry the activities, and we'll surely do a great project.

Finally, please note local agencies can hop you in every step of the project, and that you can of course write me and Silvia, for general enquiries around the project.

Personally, I'll contact you soon proposing some activities idea already arose on me reading your resumes.


    Michele Cremaschi


Organization: Residenza Teatrale InItinere
Country: Italy
Grundtvig project referral:  Michele Cremaschi e Silvia Pinto
email: michele.cremaschi@gmail.com (Michele Cremaschi), organizzazione@initinere.net (Silvia Pinto)
Phone: 003202992681
Organization description and usual activities:
Since  Association Retroscena has been managing and promoting the InItinere Theater Residence Project for theatrical performance  production and training located at the Benedictine Monastery of ValMarina in Bergamo thanks to an agreement reached with the Bergamo Hills Park Authority. The Residence program is funded by the Cariplo Foundation as a part of the ETRE Residence network. Main artistic path of Residency activities is based on the creative use of new technologies in theatre production process. We produced in 2012 "Méliès & me", live cinema theatre show where old Méliès movies are re-mixed live with realtime actions on stage; will be premiered in june 2013 at Napoli Fringe Festival  "Augmented Pinocchio", an interactive hologram show. An important side or our work is based on workshop teaching and organizing, always on the meeting point between stage action and technology. we also organize a theatre season in teatro Sociale in Bergamo, "New technologies on stage", where we invite main theatrical experiences around the topic.

Organization: LABA Libera Accademia Belle Arti di Brescia 
Country: Italy 
Grundtvig project referral: Silvio Motta, professor for set design and multimedia projects, Set Design Department manager
Phone: +39 320 4932929 

Organization description and usual activities: Fine Arts School / Department of theater and set design

The Libera Accademia di Belle Arti (Free Academy of Fine Arts), together with its schools and departments, is qualified as an Institute of Higher Artistic Education, able to merge the solidity of tradition with the innovative force of the most advanced artistic pursuits. Its departments are: the Department of Visual Arts, the Department of Decoration with a particular specialization in Interior Design; the Department of Design and Applied Arts with a specialization in Restoration, the Department of Scenography with a specialization in Multimedia Performances, the Department of Fashion Design, the Department of Graphic Design and Multimedia Arts, the Department of Design, the Department of Photography.
Creativity Quality Professionalism
Art is instrumental, above all today, in our quality of life, in our vocations and in the management of our free time. New professions and marketing require constant attention to aesthetic factors and a particular competence in the application of new technologies. The Free Academy offers students a preparation that is specific yet versatile, through the stimulation and enhancement of creativity as an important expressive element and as a means of affirmation in the world of work.
Certainty in art means
+ Quality in teaching: specific expertise and high professionalism in the faculty;
+ Close collaboration between students and professors;
+ Direct contact with the art world (galleries, museums);
+ Encounters with the leading cultural figures of our time (artists, designers, philosophers, architects, directors, actors);
+ Academic courses with flexible hours;
+ Workshops open from 9am to 11pm, even outside the normal lesson schedule;
+ Internships and collaborations with real world productivity – businesses and companies – in the area;
+ Openness to the outside world (Erasmus project, trips, artistic experiences with students from other European academies and universities);
+ Creative exhibition experiences for the students in public and private spaces;
+ An academy-gallery, venue for important exhibition events;
+ Agreements and collaborations with organizations and institutions;
+ State-of-the-art facilities (control room, multi-screen computer lab, large practical workshops, video projection room, dark room, theater, etc.);
+ A pleasant and dynamic environment

Organization: Compagnia StultiferaNavis
Country: France
Grundtvig project referral:  Alessandra Amicarelli 
Organization description and usual activities:
StultiferaNavis Company was founded in Milan in 2002 by Alessandra Amicarelli (stage designer graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Milan, puppeteer graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette in Charleville-Mézières) and Julie Linquette (author associated with the Company, a graduate of the Universities of Lille and Reims).
In 2004, the Company moved to L'Aquila, in the region of Abruzzi and develops a territorial base by working with key local cultural structures (Teatro Stabile d'Innovazione Uovo, Region Abruzzo Provincia di L'Aquila , Foundation Carispaq).
She mobilizes around each production cultural partners from different countries in Europe (Italian Institute of Culture of Luxembourg, Cultural Center Kulturfabrik, Romanian Cultural Institute, Marionnettissimo, International Institute of Puppetry)
She combines his creations of artists from other disciplines (music, video, dance) who put their language to the arts of puppetry, with as constant in shows like workshops, special attention paid to the space and writing, experimental theatrical forms and the role of the spectator within the performative device.
In particular, the company collaborates with Alessandro Palmeri, video director, for the creation and development of video devices for interactive scene
The company has lost its headquarters, place of living and place of creation, destroyed after the earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila on 6 April 2009. .
Since then, she moved to Charleville-Mezieres.
She is accompanied in 2010 by Théatre Aux Mains Nues in Paris, under the artistic direction of Eloi Recoing in the framework of "guilds Places puppet." In this context, the company is in residence for three years at the Maison du Geste et de l' image in Paris for a new creation which will be finalized in March 2013: Urban Marionnette, with the support of, among others, the French Ministry of Culture.

Organization: "Ioan Slavici" Association for European integration
Country: Romania
Grundtvig project referral: -
Organization description and usual activities:
Our association, "Ioan Slavici" Association for European integration, it is a non-profit association, representing a source of culture, education and development in a society where the continuous changes are a challenge for the Romanian people. From an European perspective, the Association creates an integration stone in avoiding socio-economic clashes. Its mission for society stands in the values promoted by its institutional strategies and leading guidelines, in its power and involvement in preserving the Romanian traditions and their integration in the social European mixture, as well as its contribution in the education-business - Research & Development & Innovation triangle. The association has experts in technical, economic and social fields which allows us to contribute to the European objectives of cooperation, competitiveness and regional cohesion.

Organization: Domino
Country: Croatia
Grundtvig project referral: Zvonimir Dobrovic
Organization description and usual activities: 
Domino is an NGO operating since 2003 and engaged in four strands of activities: arts, media, policy and education. Two major international arts festivals are the flagship projects - Queer Zagreb and Perforacije festivals; we operate a news portal queer.HR; we work on education on climate change through artistic projects, we are currently building an arts management education program and also administering a program of antihomophobia education in schools and with police academy.

Organization:     Palindrome Dance Company, e.V.
Country:                Germany
Grundtvig project referral:    
email:                      Robert@motioncomposer.org
Phone:                +49 179 511 0400
Website:               www.palindrome.de     or      www.motioncomposer.com
Organization description and usual activities:  

MotionComposer is a project of music, dance and technology.  Based in Germany, our goal is to build a motion tracking device for persons with disabilities so that they can participate in music, dance and theater.  It lets you express yourself musically through movement -- so it is really for everyone!
With its high-resolution and low-latency even people with severe disabilities, such as those who can only control finger or eye movement, or those with limited cognitive ability are stimulated and encouraged by this unique movement-music experience. Rich and varied musical environments -- from classical to pop, from new age to electroacoustic -- plus clever movement-to-music mapping strategies, allow the MotionComposer many long-lasting therapeutic applications.

Is it a musical instrument?
Many people think we are making a new musical instrument, one that is played in the air like a Theremin. But this is not quite true. For one thing, musical instruments are usually played with the extremities -- fingers, hands and feet. They are generally designed for reasons of efficiency and ergonomics. The needs of dance can be quite the opposite -- dance, it is said, comes from the center of the body, the solar plexus. Certainly one can dance with the extremities, but we wanted the MotionComposer to encourage all kinds of expressive movement, not just the "controlling" kind.  We wanted the device to be a physical experience -- sometimes you play it, and sometimes it plays you. 

So is it a dance machine?
This also misses the point.  In most of the world's cultures, dance and music are combined. Indeed, most languages have one word for both dance and music!  This may seem strange, but it actually makes a lot of sense. The rhythms and flows of energy are the same in both music and dance.  Both can soothe and invigorate, transfix and inspire.
We must see that these are really two forms of one basic instinct. Small children begin to dance and make music without being taught. The combination of dance and music is practiced by every people that have ever lived. According to the archeological record, it is a deep-rooted part of what it means to be human.
The MotionComposer is part music machine, part dance machine.  Its power comes from exactly this mixture for it speaks to the natural relationship of the two that lives inside us all. 


AltArt - Romania
Shinytoys Festival - Germany
Patchlab Festival - Poland
VJ Istambul Festival - Turkey


>>>>> The Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes
>> Mevlana Bulvari No 181
>> Balgat 06520, Ankara
>> Tel: (90) 312 409 6000
>> Fax: (90) 312 409 6009
>> E-mail: bilgi@ua.gov.tr
>> Website: http://www.ua.gov.tr